Bad week
It all started yesterday when I missed my morning train to work. Eventually I made it to work around 10.30 knowing that I will have to take a long lunch so I can go sort out some of the bank stuff. When I got to the bank, I spend an hour waiting in the queue just to get an EFTPOS card made for me. So that was most of the day gone. I knew I only really had to do one thing at work - fix a bug in one of the applications and release the update. Easy right? Sure it is as long as you dont do it in a rush. I've managed to fix the bug, test it and release the update. All the clients picked up the update automatically. I thought my day was done. HA! 10 minutes later calls were starting to get through about the app not working, basically crashing on start. It was weird because I've also installed the update and so did lots of other people in out company. It worked fine for them but not for people outside the company. After talking to one of the clients for a good half an hour and getting them to install and re-install the app I basically gave up making up some excuses on why its not working. As soon as I hung up the phone I had the stangest feeling that I knew what was causing the problem. It was such a newbie mistake - I've managed to release a development version of the application instead of the live one. The only difference between the two is that the live connects to the server via a remoting object (like a web service) and the development version connects directly to the server. But the server is not directly accessible from outside the company LAN, hense only the people outside noticed any difference. So I thought - Easy, I'll just release another update with the right configuration file so it connects where its supposed to. What I forgot is that the people affected cant run their applications to get that update.... I only realised that around 11pm that night. Sigh.
Today was a case of deja vu. I sleep in too long (ok thats not that bad) and missed the early train again. Finally released the update to the clients. It was time to do some more development. Unfortunatly my workstation didn't agree. SQL Enterprise Manager refused to start up. It looks like i will spend the whole day today trying to fix that and in the worst case - backing up all the files so I can re-image the workstation.
All I know is that I will look both ways before crossing roads today, if this week keeps following this trend I will most likely end up in the hospital by friday - or worse.