Thursday, April 20, 2006

First Post

OK, I've decided to make a genuine attempt at starting up a blog, so this is officially my first post. I’ll try to keep it short.

This is something new for me – my own little piece of the web. The priority for the next few days is to post some pictures from stuff that happened before this date (to make an illusion that my life didn’t just begin today). The next thing will be to play with the layout of the site, it’s a bit messy right now. The last, and probably the hardest goal would be to do regular posts to keep the site alive.

On a different note, things I’m looking forward to in the next few days:

  • Finally getting internet hooked up in the new flat, its been 2 weeks without the net and I don’t think I can handle another one.

  • My brand spanking new shiny 42” Plasma is coming next week – movie night every night

That’s all for now folks, time to go grab another coke to keep me going through the rest of the day.


Anonymous said...

Wow the first official comment on the first official post !

Im longing for the internet too !! much to catch up on.

Anonymous said...

Bah, I wanted to be the first! :(

Ah well...I guess I should be used to be number 2 by now...but not in Minesweeper because there I'm theeeeeeeeeeee nr 1 HA!

Ian said...

HAI2U!! I'm so sad that I don't get to experience your 42" co... I mean plasma :P.

You must hate me :P going and getting a huge TV as soon as you don't flat with me ^_^

Anonymous said...

I think it is time for your second post now :-)

Andrey said...

Yeah maybe, by the way you dont have to be anonymous even if you dont have an accout. When posting a comment you can choose Other under identity and fill in your [nick]name and the site to link it to

Ian said...

I second the motion for second post. You better have it done before I move into my new apt and put up awesomes photos.