Tuesday, May 02, 2006

"Television - Teacher, Mother... Secret lover" [Homer Simpson]

Finally after a month of waiting my TV is finally here. Now my life is complete. It got delivered to my work just after lunch - no work has been done since.

In other news:
Apartment now has an internet connection so there is lots of new movies and episodes waiting to be watched.
I tried 2 new sports in the past week - bowling and squash. Bowling was awesome. I was told the speed of the ball wasnt very important but i tried a couple of really fast ones to see what happens. Some of them went over 30km/h
Squash is fun too, already got myself a racket and a club membership. Impulse buying is great.


Anonymous said...

Cool! Now all you need is your own car to the the TV from work to your flat ... LOL! Looking forward to some acutal pics. PS I trust those TV episodes were downloaded from iTunes or something similar? ;)

Ian said...

Whats with the pink furniture? :P

Nice TV btw ;)

Andrey said...

yeah i know - pink. It came with the flat so i dont really care.

Ian said...

heh... I thought maybe Kim was in charge of interior decor

Andrey said...

nah, i'm sure it would have been black if she was in charge

Anonymous said...

Black like her soul ;-)