Friday, June 02, 2006

Yeah I know it was long overdue

Not many things have happened since my last post. Our soccer team has made it into the semis even though we didnt pay the club fee :) The rules are that if you pay the club fee you get 10 more points for the season. This almost certainly means that the teams who dont pay dont make it to the top 4 as there are only 9 games in the season and its quite hard to make up 10 points. We just managed to squeeze in the 4th place by winning the last game (11:6) and having some the right teams loose on the day. Unfortunately this means we now have to play the top team in the semis. They have not lost a single game this season including annihilating our team 14:3 Maybe we should have paid on time then we would have been 2nd on the table and had a much easier semi.

Watched some movies this week
The Producers

None of them really exited me that much, but they went bad either. I'd give them all 5/10

Long weekend coming up, hopefully something to write about.

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