Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pistol Shooting

25 meters didnt sound that far...

Wow today was fun. Kim, Rickard, Ahmed and I tried pistol shooting at a club not far away from where we live. Rickard and Ahmed went first and they took their time. It looked like they were having a discussion with the instructor after every 5 shots. But eventually it was our turn. We got to shoot some semi-auto .22 calibre pistols, 50 rounds each, 25 meters away from the target. My only wish for the day was not to be humiliated by Kim who has quite a bit more experience with target shooting then me. After the first 10 rounds or so Kim was comfortably in the lead with a nice grouping around the centre while I kept hitting just below the centre. AND THEN we swaped the guns. The other gun was so much lighter. It makes a lot of difference just because your hand doesnt get tired as quickly. Finally I was getting some nice groupings in around the centre. In the end our instructor was kind enough to let us fire one of his guns. A .45 revolver. Boy oh boy that thing had a nice kick even though he said something about only using 1/2 power bullets. Managed to get an 8 on the first shot :) Overall a great way to spend a day considering the miserable weather outside.

She kept pointing the gun at the target but we all know who she really wanted to shoot :)

You can use your thumbs to feel what way the wind is blowing, to adjust your shot

She was saying just how good of a shooter I am :)

.22 lead, I also got to fire a copper, high velocity bullet

Not too bad for a first timer

I think Rickard managed to chew through his target ...

... but they gave him a new one

Yay for Wellingotn weather

Just playing with depth of field


Anonymous said...

Man that's awesome! sure bits sitting at home with the headache whole weekend! May be you can do that sometime again and I can come too... sob! sob!

Andrey said...

Yeah sure, as soon as you stop working all the time and start answering your phone :) I am definetly going one more time, the guys in the club said they will bring some "more interesting" guns next time

Anonymous said...

I am quite sure you have done something blogworthy in the last 3 weeks !

comon, do the blog thing

Ian said...

Update! Update! Update!

C'mon I've done a huge blog about KL! I wanna know what I'm missing in NZ!